I frequently hear comments from people that say dog shows have ruined purebred dogs across the world. This sentiment usually comes from owners of field bred dogs. There’s even been documentaries made on the topic. One that comes to mind is Pedigree Dogs Exposed by BBC.  If you haven’t seen it, I recommend watching it. It is very interesting and they make some good arguments. Contrarily, I hear little from people regarding the good that dog shows have done for breed preservation. The St. Bernard dog is a perfect example. During the early 1800’s monks relied on St. Bernard’s for rescue missions between the snowy mountains of Italy and Switzerland. The St. Bernard’s resistance to cold and sense of direction made them ideal dogs for this job and they saved many children and soldiers. In today’s age, the dogs are no longer needed for this job. Without dedicated breeders and dog shows to help preserve the breed, where would they be? Where would the Dachshund be? How about the Poodle? Would these breeds still exist?

Organized dog shows are a vehicle for breeders and fanciers of each breed to showcase their best dogs and get an opinion on their dogs from qualified judges. These judges are considered experts and can provide non-biased feedback to help breeders and competitors. It also helps prospective buyers to find breeders with the quality of dogs they are looking for. Nothing is perfect and while there have been some breeds that likely have been done an injustice by them, overall dog shows have been good for dogs. I would argue however, that it was not the dog shows themselves that have ruined these dogs so much as it is the breeders who bred for exaggerated features to make their dogs ‘stand out’.

As protectors of our beloved breed, we must work hard to keep the American Pit Bull Terrier true to its function. Our dogs are working dogs and they must have a job. The cold, hard truth is that the conformation ring is not a job. Despite their well-meaning intentions, 'show only' folks that concentrate only on form are not helping preserve our breed. Our registry could do one important thing to save, or at least maintain some type of function in our dogs. They could require that to earn a Championship or Grand Championship title, a dog must pass at least a basic athletic test. Maybe Grand Champions should have to pass a more advanced test. I am proposing that our dogs should need to pass some basic athletic requirements in order to earn their championship titles. It would go a long way to ensuring that our dogs maintain at least a bare minimum in terms of athleticism, trainability and willingness to work. The ADBA has already implemented the Top Dog athletic events, which is a nice step towards maintaining and showcasing athleticism in our dogs. I would love to see more clubs offering these contests. Now I fully understand the Top Dog events are not directly related to the American Pit Bull Terrier’s original purpose. It is nonetheless, a step in the right direction.

I assume that my proposal will receive much backlash from breeders and owners who do not want to spend time training their dogs. I also realize that if implemented, my proposal would probably lower the number of dogs that are entered in shows. Thus, I’m certain that this basic athletic test requirement will never happen. Trust me, many current and former show champion dogs would not be able to even pass a basic athletic test! That in and of itself is a problem for the future of our breed. 

In summary, it is not dog shows that are ruining dog breeds. It is amateurs ruining the breeds. Day after day I see amateurs breeding dogs. I have come to the realization that I will never understand the thought process behind these breedings. Nor will I understand the thought process of those willing to purchase or even accept a free puppy from these people. To clarify, when referring to amateurs I’m not only referring to those with inexperience, I’m also referring to those with many years of experience who mass produce dogs for popularity and profit. These people breed low percentage litters but every now and then strike gold due to the sheer volume of dogs they produce. The real breeders will always be those with small, private yards who keep and use what they breed. Real breeders maximize their dog’s potential and know each dog on an individual level that large scale breeders can only dream of. The real breeders are fair, patient and hold each dog to the same standard as the next. Real breeders do not fall in love with a dog because of its color, or because it runs the chain like a dog they liked in the past. Real breeders do not rely on assumptions. Real breeders do not rely on pedigrees they do not have first-hand, intimate experience with. Real breeders are willing to make the tough decisions that go along with safeguarding the quality and future of their dogs. Real breeders are faithful to their breeding programs. Real breeders know that generations of good breedings can be ruined by one poor breeding. It makes me think of the old hip-hop song by Meek Mill called Levels. “There’s levels to this Sh*t”.  Well, you know where I’m going with this…

Andrew Seguss
Andrew Seguss

3 Responses


November 27, 2017

Spot on man! Without conformation shows many breeds would be extinct, some are. This goes for livestock breeds as well, many of which are endangered or at risk. We keep a few different heritage chicken breeds that are no longer used on mainstream farms since they have modern hybrid varieties that are supposed to “outperform” the old purebreds. This doesn’t take into account the genetic diversity that heritage breeds provide however. This genetic diversity is important as some pure breeds are more resistant to things like avian flu virus, a trait that is lost in the uniform hybrids found on large scale production farms. Also agree with your belief that top champion APBT’s should be required to attain some sort of athletic certification. When it comes to Chessapeake Bay dogs, even though it isn’t a requirement, respectable breeders always title their dogs on both ends; show champion on the prefix, and either a field trial or hunt test (JH, SH, MH) certification on the end of the title. Personally I put more stock in seeing hunt test passes deep into the pedigree, assuring a working dog where form follows function. Could not agree with you more that the same mentality of producing a true working dog should at least be encouraged in the breeding, showing, and preservation of the APBT.
Supreme One
Supreme One

November 18, 2017

What you say is 1000% true… my feelings about the mass production of dogs is right there with yours. I’ve seen first hand over priced dogs come down from T.G. for the only purpose of a dollar.

These dogs are subpar at work and So many were incapable of being just social animals its ridiculous. I’ve seen over 15 dogs sold for 1500 dollars or more and there was only one that I would feed.

Compromised men ruin everything around them.

Something is terribly wrong with those numbers. These dogs were extremely shy, man aggressive, difficult to work, and all around dog that shouldn’t be bred or sold to anyone.

Why bred subpar animals that produce offspring that Is my fit for basic canine activities. Let alone the trials of the APBT.

T. Carrillo
T. Carrillo

September 30, 2017

My respects Mr Seguss! ??

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I’ve had a dog who has been dealing with chronic ear infections. He would itch his ear and shake his head profusely to the point that he would give himself hematomas. An ear hematoma is when the ear fills up with blood. It’s basically the same thing wrestlers and jiu jitsu players get. The ear fills up with blood inside the ear flap and leads to what's called cauliflower ear.
Delmanto Kennels of Brazil

It would be hard to argue that any kennel has had a bigger impact on the ADBA show scene over the last ten years than Delmanto Kennels of Brazil.
DIY: Bone Broth Recipe
DIY: Bone Broth Recipe

Another thing I do in the winter is cook my dogs a homemade bone broth. I don’t do this every day, but when the weather is extremely harsh or I have some extra time, I make a large batch and give it to them in the evening.

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