As breeders we have a moral and professional responsibility to the dogs we bring into this world. It is our duty to ensure that they are provided with everything they need to live a high-quality life. A life that is mutually beneficial to both the dog and the owner. The bond between dog and human is one of the most beautiful relationships in the world. Although I rarely allow dogs from my breeding’s to leave my possession, from time to time when the situation is right, I have sold or given dogs to people. Below is a list of some things that I believe are important when considering the potential ‘fit’ between my dog and a new owner.

  • The most important factor is whether or not the dog’s quality of life will be improved by moving to a new home. Will the dog receive everything I will give him and MORE? This includes high quality nutrition, exercise, socialization, opportunities to succeed, love & attention, etc. If the answer is yes, then it would be selfish of me to keep the dog in my possession.
  • What is the new owner looking for in a dog? Does my dog have the potential to fulfill the requirements of the new owner? This requires honesty and objectivity. Knowing your dog’s strengths and weaknesses.
  • What has the potential new owner accomplished in the past? I do not like inexperienced owners who are learning and making mistakes at my dog’s expense. There are obvious exceptions to this rule, but for the most part inexperienced owners are not a good fit for dogs such as mine.
  • Has the potential new owner raised many dogs from a puppyhood to old age? If not, this is a major red flag. I want my dogs to be in loving homes and considered part of the ‘family”. They should be treated with respect in old age and not ‘thrown away’ or neglected when they no longer serve a working purpose. People who are constantly 'losing' dogs or 'rehoming' dogs are not a good fit. Pay more attention to the patterns people display over time, and less attention to what they 'say'.
  • Does the potential new owner have the financial means to provide high quality nutrition and veterinary care if necessary? Owning dogs is expensive. Expensive medical treatment seems to always happen at the worst time. Therefore, it is important that the owner has the financial flexibility to pay for unexpected expenses when they occur.
  • Do I have an established relationship with the potential new owner? Do we trust each other? Have I been to their house and see how they care for their dogs with my own eyes? Without trust, every relationship is doomed. The breeder/dog owner relationship is no different. People change, but their behaviors, over time, usually remain pretty consistent. Pay attention.
  • A dog I bred can always ‘come home’. If something unfortunate happens and the new owner can no longer keep a dog I bred, it can always come home. The dogs didn’t ask to be here; I brought them here. So, it’s my duty and responsibility to always be there for them. The result is I breed less and I am more strategic with my breeding’s.

As professional breeders of the American Pit Bull Terrier, we must hold ourselves to the highest standards and be steadfast in our dedication to the breed. This means doing whatever is necessary to ensure that our impact on the breed leaves the APBT better than when we found it.

Andy Seguss and Canine Athletes Aldo

Andrew Seguss
Andrew Seguss

3 Responses

Paul den dulk
Paul den dulk

December 10, 2023

Hello Mr. Seguss
My name is Paul den Dulk and I am looking for a Pitbul puppy. Because I don’t want to just buy a Pitbul, I have been looking for a good Pitbul puppy for some time.

An acquaintance who has a Sniper dog advised me to inquire with you.
Given the sport I want to do with the dog, I thought it would be a good idea to inquire whether it is possible to purchase a dog from you.
I hope you will let me know soon.

Kind regards,

Sarwar Abdullah
Sarwar Abdullah

February 04, 2023

Ask friends, family, and other pet owners for recommendations of responsible dog owners.

Carla Restivo
Carla Restivo

October 07, 2022

That home visit is all. I have had prospective owners pass everything else and when I visit, the place is a dump.
Person is great — until I mention I’m coming over to visit. When they back out real quick, there is your answer as to whether they get a dog.

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I’ve had a dog who has been dealing with chronic ear infections. He would itch his ear and shake his head profusely to the point that he would give himself hematomas. An ear hematoma is when the ear fills up with blood. It’s basically the same thing wrestlers and jiu jitsu players get. The ear fills up with blood inside the ear flap and leads to what's called cauliflower ear.
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DIY: Bone Broth Recipe
DIY: Bone Broth Recipe

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